School Rector
Prof. Dahiru Mohammed Toungos
Mohammed Dahiru Toungos was born on 2nd June, 1962 in Toungo, Toungo Local Government Area of Adamawa State.
Mohammed Dahiru Toungos started his primary school at the Central Primary School Toungo from 1968-1975 and obtained his First School Leaving Certificate. He attended the Teachers’ College 1975-1980 where he obtained the Teachers’ Grade II Certificate and there after proceeded to College of Education, Jalingo between 1982-1985 and obtained National Certificate in Education (NCE) with a bias in Agriculture (NCE Agric (DM) Certificate.
Having established his academic based in the field of Agriculture, Mohammed Dahiru Toungose enrolled into the University of Maiduguri for his Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture in 1988-1992. For his desire to attend highest academic echelon, Mohammed Dahiru Toungos further went to the University of Ibadan from 1996-1998 for a Masters of Science Degree M.SC. Agronomy.
Having laid the background by obtaining all the necessary requirements, Dr. Mohammed Dahiru Toungos proceeded to the Federal University of Technology, Yola for a Doctorate Degree (Ph.D) in Crop Science.
His accomplished academic rose to an Associate Professor in Agricultural Production and Physiology at the Adamawa State University, Mubi.
In Addition to his field of study in Agriculture, Mohammed Dahiru Toungos picked interest in Information Communication Technology (ICT) and obtained various Certificates from World Class ICT Training Institutions, currently an ICT expert.
His working experience dates back in 1980-1981 when he was an Assistant Head Master at Mentan Primary School, Toungo, Agric Teacher and Form Master at Government Science Secondary School, Ganye 1985-1993, a Lecturer at FCE, Yola 1993-2009, Adamawa State University, Mubi 2009-2019 and at Modibbo Adama University from 2019 to date.
With 41 years teaching experience spanning from 1981-2022, Mohammed Dahiru Toungos has contributed immensely to the future development of individuals who at one time or another have been his students or supervisor.
Similarly in his teaching profession Mohammed Dahiru Toungos has supervised postgraduate dissertation and Thesis ready to award of Doctorate Degree in Philosophy (Ph’D).
His contribution to academics is numerous with over 47 journals and articles published in National and International Journals.
This is in addition to nine (9) Chapters in different text books.
Mohammed Dahiru Toungos believed that knowledge acquired needs to be shared and this has propelled his guest to serve as a resource person at 18 different conferences and seminars in and outside the country.
Toungos is a member of different professional bodies including:
- Universal Association of Computer and Electronics Engineers
- Genetics Society of Nigeria
- Food and Science Society of Nigeria
- Horticultural Society of Nigeria
- Member Asian Council of Science Editors
- Member/Reviewer, Journal of Sustainable Development Canadian Centre for Science and Education.
Mohammed Dahiru Toungos has a hobby in Farming, Community Service, Adviser on youth organization, Reading and Traveling.